High Risk drivers

High Risk drivers

Most insurance companies shy away from insuring High-Risk Drivers, but we can help you get back on the road.

There are many situations where you could be labelled high risk or an uninsurable driver by your insurance provider:

  • You’ve been in an at fault accident.
  • You’ve receive multiple traffic tickets within the last 3 years.
  • You’ve been convicted of a DUI (Driving Under Influence)
  • You’ve had your driver’s license suspended.
  • You’ve had a lapse in insurance coverage or you’ve never had insurance before.
  • You’ve filed multiple claims in a short period of time
  • Impaired Driving Infractions

We know that it’s hard to find insurance when you have been classified a high-risk driver, but that doesn’t mean you can’t. We offer competitive high-risk insurance throughout Ontario.

To get started, click here or call us at 416.841.7400
